Quality. Detail. Storytelling.
The vision comes to life.

A promotional piece introducing the PADI ReActivate program. This is a refresher program for certified divers in which they can quickly brush up on knowledge and skills without having to start from scratch.

An Expository video that interviews the President and CEO of PADI and explores the desire that humans have to explore the world around them. "The ocean still holds a lot of secrets and mystery ... in many respects it's still the earth's final frontier."

Introduction to the Discover Scuba Diving. This was designed to promote the Discover Scuba Diving program to non certified customers. It can viewed in conjunction with the instructional video or as a stand alone piece.

Commercial spot intended to encourage people that have participated in the Discover Scuba Diving to continue their adventure and pursue the full Open Water Diver certification.

Demonstration of digital product. Product was traditionally in print media and is now available in digital. Video depicts the digital content and the benefit of digital interaction only available on the Touch.

Introduction to the Open Water Diver Video, 1 min. 30 sec. This marketing and promotional piece was created to show the viewer how exciting and fulfilling learning to scuba dive can be. Can be viewed as a standalone promotional piece or in conjunction with the training material.

A 30 second clip from the Open Water Diver Video. These transitions introduce the upcoming material for their particular section. Each segment is intended to inform, entertain and excite the student about the upcoming information.

A 30 second clip from the Open Water Diver Video. These transitions introduce the upcoming material for their particular section. Each segment is intended to inform, entertain and excite the student about the upcoming information.

Closing clip to the Open Water Diver Video, 1 min. 30 sec. marketing and promotional video created to entertain the viewer and encourage them to continue their diving experience.

A commercial and marketing piece that announces and introduces Scuba Earth to the the scuba diving community. Scuba Earth is a social media website that is targeted at the scuba demographic.

PADI logo, 15 sec motion graphics piece. The previous version of the logo/graphic was a static image that appeared on screen. The development of the animated logo was created for branding and used as a digital header and footer.

A PSA piece for Project Aware informing the general public that much of the ocean is at risk and is in need of protection. The request is targeted at divers and general ocean enthusiast to support the cause of helping protect the ocean.

Part one of a seven series instructional course developed to show "how to use" software program for business owners.

A biographical video created for an awards ceremony. It served as a living eulogy to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of Stuart Cove.

A biographical video created for an awards ceremony. It served as a living eulogy to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of Lee Somers.